For organisations tackling several different Power BI requirements, or having reached a point of sufficient Power BI content, it may be time to consider if there are more efficient alternatives to modelling data separately for each Power BI report.
This post is not intended as an exhaustive list but to trigger ideas for investigation or discussion that you may not have considered.
It breaks out the common tasks in data preparation and management. Note that Ingest – Transform – Store is similar to the classic ETL (Extract – Transform – Load). Note also that the in certain scenarios the data may be stored then (further) transformed (similar to ELT). But the pros and cons of ETL vs ELT is another topic.
A note on the semantic model, “The data model is the heart of any analytics system and establishes the structure of your data and the relationships between your data (elements)” Matt McSpirit, Senior Technical Product Manager, “In each case create a semantic model that presents the data as logically linked tables, mashed up from different sources, presenting unified consistent view of the underlying data”.