Want to trigger reports to run when the data warehouse load completes? Here's how. Continue reading Daisy Chaining SDS Jobs and Report Services
category Data Services
I find myself starting this blog, sad that I must write it. When it comes to development languages and products I am without a shadow of a doubt firmly two feet and all other associated body parts stood plum on the centre of the Microsoft camp; this has been the case since my late 20’s when I started in software. The only real difference now is that there’s a lot more of me to fit inside the camp nowadays but fit I still do. Continue reading Dimensional Drift
Time…. Its constantly against us in every working day and it matters not how productive you manage to be somebody will always rain on your parade with ‘just one more job’ to eat away at your life blood. So here’s the deal… Continue reading Selectively Executing Jobs with SAP Data Services
Just recently we came across a client who was currently running their data warehouse on an Oracle 10g installation and wanted to come home to the world of SQL Server. As I am personally not a fan of Oracle at all I couldn’t fault their logic one bit, I had not however ever experienced moving and SAP DS transform from one database server to another for the same datastore and so I thought I’d look into it a little more. Continue reading Make That Switch From (The) Oracle
One of the nice features of SAP Data Integrator that DTS just cannot compete with is how it deals with datastores at run time. For an overview let's think about how the process will normally work… Continue reading SAP Data Integrator: Configuring Data Stores